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Saturday, November 16, 2013


    You do not need to have a great deal of money to practice good management.Money management skills are as important to the teen with an allowance or a part-time job as to the person with a substantial income.By becoming a good money manager,you can avoid that sinking feeling which comes when you realize that the money has gone almost as fast as it was earned.Good habits start early.By becoming a good money manager now,you can make your money work for you rather than you work for your money.
    To manage your money,you must clearly identify your needs and differentiate them from your wants;write down a good scale of preference and respect it strictly.Develop the habit to save and put it into practice;spend less and save more on separate projects considering your needs first.Maintain a positive attitude towards money and work very hard for it.Hard work will make you very careful with your expenses thus guide the way you manage your money.
   A person who tends to be conservative may be cautious about spending and find that saving is easy than some one who takes a more liberal

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